Superchargers vs Turbochargers! Which one is best?

Hi there! I´m back for another post. Today we are talking about superchargers vs turbochargers.
Both of these are devices that help internal combustion engines make more power and torque.
Before I explain these two, let me explain what an internal combustion is, and what torque and power is too.
Internal combustion engines are a type of piston engine that is used in most cars, bikes, trucks... even ships! These engines mix fuel and air, ignite it and the resulting explosion moves pistons usually (although, there are exceptions) which are connected to a crankshaft. The crankshaft then connects to a transmission via clutch or clutches. Then, the mechanical force created by the engine is transmited to the wheels by other devices, such as differentials, transfer cases...etc.
The engine makes what is known as power and torque, which is sent to the wheels:

Animation of an internal combustion engine

-Power:(in physics) it is the rate of doing work. It is the amount of energy consumed per unit of time. It is measured in horsepower usually, although it is measured in more precise ways, such as with kilowatts.
Torque: it is defined as the tendency of a force to rotate an object around an axis or pivot. Basically, it can be thought of as a twist to an object. It is usually measured in newton metres(Nm).
Engines produce this and direct it to the wheels, which makes the car move.
If you want acceleration, you need torque.
If you want top speed, you need horsepower.

Now I can talk about superchargers and turbochargers.
Superchargers and turbochargers are two types of compressors which feed compressed air into the engine. Compressed air is richer in oxygen, producing more power and torque. But, they are very different in the way they operate.

Superchargers are belt-driven. What this means is that the crankshaft I talked about earlier drives a belt to drive accesories like the water pump...etc. This belt also drives the supercharger. This has some benefits:
-It makes lots of torque at relatively low engine speed, or RPM.
-They are simple and easy to make lots of power with them.
They have a few donsides though:
-They overheat when pushed for an extended period of time.
-They are inneficient at higher RPM´s.
-They are heavy.

Diagram of a centrifugal supercharger

Turbochargers are exhaust driven. What this means is that an impeller sucks air in for the engine.
This impeller is spun by a turbine, which is turned by the exhaust gases of the engine, resulting from the combustion. They have a few advantages over superchargers:
-They make more power than superchargers.
-They can be pushed harder without showing performance deterioration(if implemented properly).
-They usually have fewer cooling problems than superchargers.
These devices are incredible, and someone who is inexperienced might arrive to an interesting conclusion: If turbos are generally better than superchargers, why would anyone use the latter?
Here´s the answer: power delivery.
Superchargers have very good performance at very low RPM, but their performance decreases the higher the RPM. They are still good at making power, and if the engine that it is being used on is very low revving, it is more worthwhile. They have instant power delivery.

Turbochargers are driven by exhaust gases, so when the engine isn´t making a lot of it, the turbo is essentially dead-weight. But at higher RPM´s, their performance is unrivaled. The compromise is to use a correctly sized turbo or turbos working in conjuction, reducing lag and achieving good performance. The design of the intake to the turbo for the turbine is also vital. If it is too big, it will only work at near maximum RPM. If it is too small, it will have good response time, but will make the engine lose power at higher RPM!

Diagram of a turbocharger

There is no perfect solution: if you run a car company and are deciding which of these two devices to use in your new car, turbos are probably the answer.
If you are someone who is making a car with off the shelf parts, it is your taste and preferances that you should listen too... unless you are a mustang driver. In which case, try not to run over the crowds of people admiring your car! I will explain why mustangs are serial killers in the future, but I will give you a hint: it´s suspension related.

Ford Mustangs under normal circumstances doing their thing


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