I´ve made a jet engine!

Hi there. welcome back to my blog! Today I bring you excititng news. I´ve made a jet engine... and it works!

This engine was designed by me. I already made a pulsejet before, but I wanted an axial flow engine, something that could theoretically be fitted onto an RC aircraft. The objective was to also not use a turbine to spin compressors or fans to force air into the engine. The only alternative was to use an electric ducted fan (EDF).

Picture of my pulsejet. It worked for literally 5 seconds before it cought fire and broke!

The goal was to use a powerful EDF with around 1kg of thrust, which would feed a combustion chamber, as well as go around said combustion chamber with a bypass. It would be a mid-bypass turbofan with an afterburner. It also uses alcohol as a fuel, although butane could be used. This is because all of the fuel system, including injectors and fuel lines were from a gas stove. It doesn´t have any moving parts aside from the fan. 

This engine was an important stepping stone for my esperience with porjects. The pulsejet tought me how to cut metal, as well as how to use alcohol as a fuel. This engine is much more important to me personally. Making it tought me how to weld, and in general how to make a more complex machine.
It does work but, alcohol is a big problem to use. It doesn´t want to combust properly and, without precaution, you can flood the engine with alcohol. In the video I have uploaded on here, you will see the engine flooding. You will also see fire coming from underneath the engine. This is because of my welder. I have a crappy old stick welder which lacks soft start, or any of those features which makes welding easier; and I´m a novice in the world of welding! I couldn´t properly close the afterburner section. I have fixed it with cold weld, but if I run it with butane it might melt off. I will eventually run this engine with butane, but I have something way more exciting stuff coming soon(ish). I would also like to thank my dad. He tought me how to make this thing, and I´m very thankful for his help and advise. I hope you enjoyed my little project. Please enjoy the pictures I took of it below.

Bye for now!


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