I´m back!

Hello everyone! After a long hiatus from writing, I´m back, and I will be resuming the usual content soon. For those of you who don´t know me, my name is Marco Viola, a 16 year old Italian professional pretend engineer and rocket scientist. I am very passionate about engineering and science in general, to the point of obsession. If it´s a STEM field, I am crazy for it. In my older posts I may have broken my promise of making the stuff I write "relatively" simple. From now on, I will keep this promise. I will also write about less technical stuff as frequently as possible, so those of you who aren´t tech savvy will not only enjoy the stuff I write, but maybe will learn a thing or two about the machines around you.
Just because Scott Pruitt doesn´t care much about the environment doesn´t mean we should let our guard down and let companies and governments burn oil like there´s no tomorrow! Therefore, I will try to focus on renewable energy frequently, as well as new innovations in this field. Otherwise, we might have a Wall-e type scenario with our planet!
Moreover, I do hope that you will enjoy my blog, and that what I write might make you think about engineering with another perspective. I have recently purchased quite a few fancy gizmos that you might also be interested in seeing!

Ciao for now!


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